Dear Cai Ying-wen 親愛的蔡英文總統: Much Love and Power to You 豐沛的愛與力量予妳

Power, power, power… 🙂 What is it, where does it come from, and what do we do with it? 力量、力量、力量…它究竟是甚麼,它從哪裡來,我們可以用力量做甚麼? When you think of power, what immediately comes to mind? Make a list of people who you think are powerful: 當你想到力量,你立刻浮現腦海的是什麼? 列出一份你認為有力量之人的名單: – – – Next, take a minute to

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When Helen Caldicott Came to Town

By Trista di Genova /The Wild East Helen Caldicott, the world-famous pediatrician who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985 for her work founding Physicians for Social Responsibility, lectured in Taipei July 9th, speaking on the dangers of nuclear power plants. The event was under-advertised and poorly attended, and for

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NTU prof to speak on nuclear affairs @ Breakfast Club

Wild East news staff The Breakfast Club, a group founded by Professor Jerome Keating that invites scholars to speak and lead discussions on historical issues and current affairs, will be meeting Saturday, April 9th at 10 am. Topic: Taiwan and Nuclear Power, the Implications of Japan’s recent earthquake/tsunami experience for

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