The East West Culture Project (EWCP) is organizing “Fall into Silence”, a one-day Silent Retreat, November 13 in the Daan MRT area. Contact: EWCP 0983 339 901;
The 2011 EWCP Autumn Retreat is an opportunity to spend a day in silence, refocusing the mind and regenerating the body. Both Meditation and qigong practices will allow for the cultivation of moment-to-moment awareness in order to develop clarity, calmness and positivity.
The theme of this fall’s retreat is silence, and the group will concentrate on just a few styles of meditation and qigong. This will allow the full potential of the practices to reveal themselves, resulting in a deep sense of clarity and relaxation by the day’s end.
The day will be spent in silence with a few designated times set aside for questions regarding the practices. At all other times, participants are encouraged to maintain silence for the sake of individual and collective focus.
The retreat will be held at a quiet and elegant Zen center near Daan MRT station. The cost is NT$3000 (discounts available) and includes a full day’s worth of activities, two vegetarian meals, an optional yoga class, course materials, and a special lecture by the Venerable Khenchen Rinpoche. The retreat will begin at 9am and finish after dinner in the early evening.
The Venerable Khenchen Rinpoche is a highly respected and accomplished meditation master who has taught thousands of students all over the world for the past 30 years. More info: [Edit: Link no longer working 2015/1/15]
East West Culture Project is a not for profit, dynamic center of cultural exchange, offering unique learning opportunities for the expatriate community in Taipei. They are dedicated to bridging cultural gaps and fostering cross-cultural understanding. The aim is to create a richer and more meaningful experience for foreigners living in Asia, providing a social network and in-depth practices to help skillfully overcome personal challenges and aide in growth.
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