The Perfect Weekend in Taipei for you.

By Trista di Genova, The Wild East / A friend asked my plans for this weekend, and at first I replied, “Not much.” But then I checked my schedule and realized: this is the potentially the perfect weekend, for everyone, not only to catch up on their socializing and networking, but to attend a book-signing by a prominent author, and take part in a lecture on Jung. There are four very special events taking place this weekend: An advance book-signing event by Linda Arrigo, live music with The Red Cliff, a special Potluck anniversary at LOOP, and intellectual stimulation with the Taipei Discussion and Learning group. Here is a proposed schedule for your utter enjoyment:

Linda Arrigo's got a new book, destined to be a bestseller in Taiwan.
Saturday 3pm: Book signing for Linda Arrigo’s new book.美麗的探險—艾琳達的一生 Dear Friends, If we haven’t met for a while, you might have forgotten that “Linda Arrigo” is the infamous foreign woman from the Formosa Magazine Incident of December 10, 1979 and the subsequent martial law trials (a.k.a. Kaohsiung Incident). I have finally gotten my biography written in Chinese, a popular version,美麗的探險—艾琳達的一生, and it also has 10 pages of summary in English at the beginning, as well as historical pictures, many in color, that you might like– so you might want a copy even if your Chinese is limited. Scott Simon, Tim Fox, and Gunther Wittome are in a picture near the end, and other Old Taiwan Hands you know like Lynn Miles and Dennis Engbarth appear in their youthful forms of long ago. You are welcome to come to my book opening and see it! Saturday November 26, 3 PM, at the Hsinyi Eslite (Cheng Ping) bookstore, 3rd Fl, which is only a block from the MRT City Government station. It should be in bookstores soon, too. Linda

Saturday evening: Live music at 10pm with The Red Cliff @ BOBWUNDAYE 嘸問題 (means ‘no problem’ in Taiwanese), Taipei. No.77, Hoping E. Rd, Sec. 3 (between Anhe Rd. & Dunhua S. Rd.) 和平東路三段77號 (安和路及敦化南路間) [Tel. 02-2377 1772] The Red Cliff are a rock/folk/jazz group comprised of two central members, Mark Darvill (vocals, guitar) and Caleb Cole (vocals, bass, and… guitar) from England and the United States respectively. Formed shortly after their arrival to Taiwan in 2009, the Red Cliff incorporate elements of Rock and Roll, English and American folk, jazz and funk music. The Red Cliff features numerous original songs with driving melodies and technical instrumentation. Veterans of Rock in their own countries, the Red Cliff are poised to dazzle the Taiwanese music scene with frequent regularity. “紅色懸崖”是由二個來自英國和美國的大男孩, 馬克與凱樂伯(希望他們看到翻譯不會 抓狂@@…)組成的搖滾, 民謠及爵士樂團. 2009年來台不久, 就因緣際會的組了這個樂團, 曲風結合了搖滾, 英美民謠, 爵士及放克等音樂元素. 樂團本身也寫了許多原創的樂曲, 流暢且充滿活力的弦律加上令人激賞的彈奏技法, 讓習於一般台灣流行音樂的朋友也為之著迷!! 低消Minimum Charge: NT.200 Drink special: London Pride: NT.150, Kong Ludwig: 200

Always drumming up a storm (and dancing with fire) at Taipei Potluck and Music Circle, held once a month in Da An Park. Photo: Mikey Pan.
Saturday 6pm -?: 3rd Year Anniversary of Potluck & Music Circle, @ THE LOOP. 大安公園共享音樂餐會3年週年慶祝活動 LOCATION: LOOP music bar, Loop, B-1, #83 Ba De Rd, Sec 3, Taipei, 台北市八德路83號B1 (not far from Zhong Shao Dun Hua MRT), Taipei, Taiwan 台北共享音樂餐會potluck三週年慶party!! 免入場費 台北市八德路83號B1 TEL:25701009 2011-11-26 Pm18:00~? Featuring Live Bands and entertainment! – Pan Africana, Blues Vibrations, Ballots Not Bullets, HUB, ReignDear, Cosmic Inversion, and other live musicians! As well as jugglers, hoopers, poi, drum jams, jamming, and more!! 現場音樂表演 其它娛樂 蔬食餐點及飲料(特定飲食有優惠價) 慈善募款 開放自由演出 Have you ever been to our Potluck in Da An Park? Well if you have or haven’t, you are cordially invited to our THREE year anniversary PARTY celebration. This is NOT at Da An Park, it’s NOT a potluck, and it’s NOT on the usual first sunday. We will NOT cancel the first Sunday potlucks in October, November, and December…. This is IN ADDITION to those events. The difference is, this one, we will be at a live music venue with an indoor live stage, with an Amplified PA system!! In other words, the music will be the focus, with musicians and other talents drawn directly from our Potluck family!! Our community has been growing now for THREE years! That’s 36 potlucks of people.. That means that we have had about 2000 people come and visit with us. OK, so can we get all of you to return on NOV 26th? There will be beverages and food provided (for sale) by The Loop It’s very close to the intersection of Ba De and Dun Hua Roads, near the Zhong Xiao Dun Hua MRT. We will have a raffle, and profits from the event will be used to Raise funds for The Sanctuary, an animal rescue program in North Taipei area We are hoping to have some sponsors to raise funds for a good local cause! Keep the community growing and the light shining…. Brian

Sunday evening: Lecture on Jung’s psychology with Taipei Discussion and Learning group: Wisteria Tea House, just south of the southwest corner of Daan park, about a block south of Subway sandwich shop, 台北市新生南路三段16巷1號 XingSheng Road, section 3, lane 16, number 1, Taipei, Taiwan

Discussing and learning in Taipei, every Sunday evening.
Speech title: “JUNG’S PSYCHOLOGY AND THE CONDITION OF MAN” Speaker: Sonja Dimoska   We will try to start at eight, so please try to be early. This event is free, tea will be served. Donations are gladly accepted:) This will be a set, moderated forum including a speech, question and answer time, and a mingle period afterwards for further discussion. Forum will be timed at: 5 min. introduction by moderator, 30 min. speech, 15 min. for questions, and then an open ended mingle time afterwards. The goal of this forum is to promote learning and discussion in our community. We have a lot to learn from each other and a lot to talk about. This is not only about classical philosophy. This is about Philosophy of meaning, education, science, culture, religion, environment, etc. Ethan Kegley and Alexander Stamatov are Directors. Contact them if you’d like to schedule a lecture on a topic.

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