Wild East News Staff
From Prof. Keating:
To all,
Good news.
We have our confirmation from Tsai Ing-wen’s office that she will meet with the Breakfast Club on Saturday morning, April 23rd; 10 am to 12 noon. RSVP: jkeating at ms67.hinet.net by Thursday.
Now some preparatory details. Because we expect a larger crowd, we have chosen a new venue; it will be near the corner of Nanking East Rd. Sec. 2 and Songjiang Rd. There is an MRT stop at that corner, plus all the buses that run along both Nanking and Songjiang, so it will be easily accessible.
This advance notice is to also prepare you; the presentation will be from 10 am to 12 noon, however, I will ask everyone to be there between 9:30 am and 10 am so that we can start right on time and have a maximum of time for people to ask questions. Plan your time for arrival; try to avoid being a straggler etc. we will start on time.
Venue: Beanstalk Cafe Basement #8, Lane 69 Songjiang Rd.
Directions: Bus: The cafe is not far from the corner of Nanking East Rd. Sec. 2 and Sungjiang (Songjiang) Rd. Many buses go down Nanking and Sungjiang. If taking a bus up or down Songjiang, you are closer if you get off at Chang An Rd. Lane 69 is on the East side of Songjiang, one block north of Chang An, about 3 blocks south of Nanking. MRT If taking the Red Line, transfer at Minquan W. Rd. to the Luzhou Line and take it to the Sungjiang (Songjiang) Nanking Station, use Exit 4 and walk south on Songjiang. If taking the Blue Line, transfer at Zhongxiao Xinsheng and go north on the Luzhou Line to Sungjiang Nanking Station and use Exit 4. Lane 69 is easily identified because there is an Ikari Coffee Shop at its corner. Walk east on Lane 69 to #8 and use the stairs down to the basement–a special outside entrance. Beanstalk Cafe has a Pig face on its exterior, www.beanstalk.com.tw 2507-5502
Format: I hope to establish this as a type of informal “fireside chat.” Tsai will talk for about 20 minutes. I have asked her to address two broad topics: “What is her vision for Taiwan?” and how does she see her party as differing from the KMT in their approach to Taiwan. Then she will be open for Q & A.
Questions: We will try to provide time for as many questions as possible — think beforehand on issues that you may wish to ask her. Each person will be allowed one question — no second questions until everyone else has had a chance for his/her question. Ask questions are clear and direct enough without a need for clarifying questions. Please, focus on questions; not personal observations etc. As I said, this is a little different because unlike past speakers, Tsai has a busy schedule and will not linger afterwards with us. Attendees can of course linger afterwards.
For the sake of time, we will forego the normal introduction of everyone; instead, each person will introduce his/her self when they ask their question.
Fee: We will have a charge for the room; at present we have figured that cost per person will be a flat NT$150. There will be no set breakfast; instead each person will have coffee or tea and a small cake. (If you feel you will be hungry, eat before or after–our aim here is as I said to maximize the interaction in the two hours) This is a little different from our regular format, but this will be a rare chance for all to interact with Tsai who is current Chairperson of the DPP (stepping down while she runs in the primary), and one who at present appears to be leading as nominee for the DPP, and of course has a good chance to be elected President in 2012.
Photos? I will try to arrange a brief time afterwards if any might wish to have a photo with Tsai.
Attendance: Let me know if you plan on coming; some are lackadaisical on this; but to plan enough seating etc. I need firmer numbers than before. When Frank Dikotter spoke, we had a lot of “all of a sudden shows” and pretty well maxed us out on our room. I will be keeping a list here and give preferential seating to early respondents, though all seats from what I have seen will have a good view.
Interest: Tsai is interested in interacting with people who care about Taiwan and its future: in my mind that is you; you would not attend if you did not.
I have heard Tsai speak before and her English is far better than Ma’s in my opinion. No need for translators here.
Coverage of the Tea on Youtube:
TWIMI | 獨立媒體 http://www.twimi.net/ (轉貼請保留此連結) 蔡英文今天(4/23)上午出席外籍人士的早茶會,與眾多在台灣的外籍人士交流,全程英文對話,暢談自己的國家政策理念,而與會的外籍人士提問從兩岸政策、前總統陳水扁案件到台灣經濟等等,蔡英文皆侃侃而談,氣氛輕鬆融洽,笑聲也不斷
That’s too bad. I would have loved to attend.
Prof. Keating has said the event has ‘maxed out’ and there is only a waiting list now.