Compared to U.S., Taiwan police are teddy bears

By Trista di Genova I can now say from personal experience how much I prefer and appreciate lovely Taiwan po-lice officers! I’ve always thought they are SO nice, like teddy bears even, espesh compared to our Robo-Cops in America! Today, whilst responding to an elementary misunderstanding regarding forwarding my tenant’s

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Lawyer Billy Chen speaks at Breakfast Club

The Wild East / Peace & Justice Taiwan’s media have turned from the Zane Dean case to Lin Yi-shih, and now the Philippine Row. What makes this poignant and ironic is (for those who remember) a number of years ago, a Taiwanese gangster was sentenced to jail; he complained of

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Taiwan Crime Watch – Rate this cool new column!

By Tsuei Hsiao-hu / The Wild East These stories are just from a twelve-hour period from midnight to lunchtime, on Tuesday, July 3 and Wed., July 4, 2012. There is a LOT of material. What kinds of crime in Taiwan are you interested in reading about? Please leave your comments/suggestions

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‘Sleepwalking’ mansion burglar charged after trying to beguile police

By Tsuei Shiao-hu The Wild East crime desk – TAIPEI A mysterious mansion burglar was brought to justice in Jiayi recently after engaging local police in an earnest battle of wits. Police in Jiayi City (aka “Chiayi”, 嘉義市) said Tuesday they’ve pressed charges of breaking and entering against a man

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