Why I’ve Never Been to China (& prefer Taiwan)

Wild East Editorial / By Trista di Genova When I’m ‘stateside’ in the U.S., people first — almost invariably — make the mistake of thinkin’ I’m talkin’ ’bout THAILAND. Guess it’s ’cause bein’ one of the world’s WORST in geography skills, we Yanks usually don’t know the difference between the

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What is Right with Teaching English in Taiwan!

Rebecca Grace Kehl – Lifestyle Editor An article on what’s great about teaching English in Taiwan – or anywhere else in the world for that matter – to have a change in perspective to value yourself and your job. I’ll begin with an aside, a reminder, a light in which

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Taiwan schools putting business before education

BY ROSS KENNEGER / The Wild East / Opinion Working for Xinmin Private Elementary school in Taipei this year was a head-shaking, riveting experience. I’m writing this piece to talk about the chaos I’ve observed in the modern Taiwanese classroom, and to offer other foreign teachers some advice here in

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