Aboriginal New Year’s Feast in Chingchuan

A preview to the WILD FEAST this coming New Year's Eve in Chingchuan! Gonna be fantastic.
Check this out – The Wild East’s Wild Feast!

What can be better than being able to spend the weekend and your New Year’s outside the crush and smog of the city?

ChingChuan, located in the mountains of Hsinchu, is home to a fusion of people including the indigenous Atayal people. The entire community invites you to join them on this remarkable evening for an amazing event that will set your 2013 in the right direction!

It’s recommended to book in advance so they can prepare the right amount of food the day of! 請欲參加嵨瀨部落跨年野宴的朋友們,盡快和我聯繫訂票唷!雖然有現場票可以買,但為了”美食”…希望大家還是盡早和LALING訂票! 感恩! 想試試在城市喧囂煙塵之外,山間雲霧之間 渡過2012年的最後一天嗎? 位在新竹五峰鄉的清泉部落會是你最好的選擇!

This event is a new start for a good blessing, and for the tickets will combining feast, culture, music, and art. There will be traditional Atayal dishes, rice wine, local music and dance performance, overseas bands, presentation and auction for local handcrafts and art pieces, and more. 這場特別的山上跨年野宴 將結合原住民文化,音樂,及藝術。當晚活動入場包含當地原住民料理、飲料、小米酒(限量供應)、音樂舞蹈表演、原住民工藝體驗等等豐富內容。

December 31st (Monday) @ 18:00 (although you are welcome to head to ChingChuan to stay overnight on Sunday as well)

12月31日 (一) 18:00 活動開放入場

Tickets are $1,200NT each and all goes to funding and backing the local community. This is a great way to explore Taiwan, know more about the indigenous culture, participate in local fares, and also with your support give back to them. The HsinChu Indigenous Tribe Development and Promotion Association will cooperate with local business to hold this event every year, and donate 10% of the profits to Tribe Youth Cultural Center. Remainder of the profits will be used for tribe cultivation, tourism, advertisement and education.

票價: 1200元台幣整,全數收入將直接回饋做為當地部落建設發展之用,營收的百分之十為協助當地青少年文化教育中心營運之經費。

Please head to http://palm.okgo.tw/ / call 03-5856456
Bank: Post Office (700) / Account 00615110055230
Recommend to head up even on Sunday to spend 2 nights in these gorgeous mountains. Below are some recommended guest houses!

付款:請洽 http://palm.okgo.tw/
或直接電洽 03-5856456

郵局 (700) 帳號: 00615110055230

棕櫚居 PalmTree Mr.Chang 0911255766
哈客城 Haku City Mr.Peng 03-5856299
雅威藝術玻璃鑲嵌工坊 Yawee Glass Making Studio 0935294107
民都有雕刻園區 MinDuYu Carving Studio Yuma 0914190313
老王客棧 Mr. Wang’s Guest House Mr Wang 03-5856386
清泉山莊 Chinchuan Villa 0921632897
清泉露營區 Chinchuan Camping Area 091253380

Chingchuan is an Atayal village that has multiple cultures. Atayal people, Minnan People and people from overseas live with each other respectfully and peacefully. Father Barry has been living in Chinchuan for over 35 years, and has hoped the tribe to have a local community center. Through his effort and a miracle Wufeng Project led by Malinda Schultz, a community center has been recently built and complete. Father Barry hopes that through this community center, Chingchuan village could welcome more guests and visitors from all over the world, making this small village a center of all the blessings. So we make this dream come true, in order to start the wonderful connection between people, and also as a special thanks to Father Barry.

清泉~一個多元文化匯集的泰雅部落,裡面居住著泰雅、閩客、外國人等族群,彼此尊重與和諧的共生於此部落。近日在美籍神父 丁松青的發願及部落全體的期待與社會各界的資源挹注下,部落青少年文化中心如期修建完成。但我們希望這股部落在地向上的能量與外界因了解尊重而幫助的外力能持續延伸。於是我們想在未來定期舉辦屬於部落在地自發的紀念活動,活動用意在於紀念因著丁神父而讓部落與外界巧妙結緣的開始。

ChingChuan is located in Hsinchu, you can take the bus to Hsinchu station and then a bus up to ChingChuan, approximate cost is around 200-300NT one way. Other options include HSR and then a taxi or driving (google map to 張學良故居 Chang Hsüeh-liang http://goo.gl/maps/g0amJ )


More details in English please contact Daisy at handfulofsapphires@gmail.com

請洽 喇藺 (La Ling)
More details in Mandarin please contact LaLing at monalaling@yahoo.com.tw

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