My Buddy Baker: How adopting a rescue animal can save your life, too

Trista di Genova / The Wild East Now, two months after adopting a rescue animal, I tend to agree wholeheartedly with my Auntie’s cryptic statement: Dogs make far better companions than people ! Funny — at first it was such a relief that my new companion never complained about a

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Chinese Python Swallowing the Taiwan Frog

OPINION / By Linda Arrigo (permission to republish; originally here) The New York Times editorial, “To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan”, has raised my hackles – I always warned Taiwanese independence advocates that the US would sell them out, and here it is literal. I have not been following the

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The Perfect Weekend in Taipei for you.

By Trista di Genova, The Wild East / A friend asked my plans for this weekend, and at first I replied, “Not much.” But then I checked my schedule and realized: this is the potentially the perfect weekend, for everyone, not only to catch up on their socializing and networking,

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THE SOCIAL ORIGINS OF THE TAIWAN DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT: THE MAKING OF FORMOSA MAGAZINE, 1979 by Linda Gail Arrigo original July 1981; revised March 1992 PREFACE This article was completed in July 1981, and is reproduced here slightly abridged but unaltered in substance. Written for a Taiwanese-American audience that idolized the

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Taiwan Architecture: A Festival of Junk

How and why the island’s modern-day architecture evolved into such a sad state — an aesthetically offensive living museum of bile-inspiring monstrosities By Trista di Genova The Wild East A few years ago, when producer Will Tiao and his crew were scouting locations for the film ‘Formosa Betrayed’, they discovered

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