‘The Great Scroll of Banciao’: BOOK REVIEW

“The Great Scroll of Banciao,” by Trista di Genova and Zoro A. Star. Illustrations: Mark Perrault Taipei: Lone Wolf Press, 2012 (Chapbook 2004). ITEM ID 002 ISBN: 978-986-88302-3-3  PRICE: 200NT/US$8/e-book US$4 Review by Penelope Mulligan, critic for Terminal City and Discorder magazine: “Smart, bratty and relentlessly dystopian, The Great Scroll

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Catherine Dai’s ‘Under the Phoenix Tree’: BOOK REVIEW

By Trista di Genova / The Wild East Order on Bookman‘s website I S B N : 9575860632 / NT$170 Rating: ***** This book was first published in 1990, and reads like a classic in Taiwan literature. It really feels like we are living in Taipei a generation ago, in

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